Worldwide Coverage


Worldwide Coverage

In its most basic sense, the word “Worldwide” refers to all of reality, to all that has and will ever be. In other circles, the word refers only to the total nature of that reality. Still, some conceptions view the entire world as being absolutely identical while others speak of a “plurality of worlds.” Each has its own distinctive aspect and each has individual significance.

While it is a fact that there are numerous World Wide Web sites, the term is widely used today and refers not only to those Web sites but also to any electronic data that pass across international boundaries. The term is also used in an expansive way to include networks, computer systems, hardware, and networks. One can speak of Worldwide Coverage or Wide World Coverage. In this article, we will concentrate on Worldwide Coverage.

Many countries have laws that extend their jurisdiction to all worldwide territories and all workers’ compensation insurance policies that have been issued by a government authority that encompasses that territory. The term is used, sometimes, with reference to the entire globe. Some people use the term to refer specifically to national coverage in countries that are not part of the European Union or other Western-oriented trade alliances.

Worldwide coverage is particularly important in the context of worker’s compensation insurance policies. If you are injured on foreign soil and seek compensation for your injuries, your lawyer may need to know whether you are authorized to sue in any country where the accident occurred. Such lawyers typically maintain relationships with specialized staff in other countries who are experienced in handling cases that fall within the range of their practice.

Some workers’ compensation insurance policies specify that they will cover accidents that happen abroad even if the workers are wearing adequate safety clothing and equipment. In some cases, employees traveling to a different country from one state to another may find themselves in a position that makes it difficult to protect their legal rights in the United States. In such circumstances, the insurance company may provide coverage overseas even when an employee is not physically present. As long as the employees take reasonable steps to ensure they are safe while on travel, they should be able to protect their rights to seek compensation for injuries at home.

Some global coverage clauses or conditions may apply only to U.S. citizens or legal residents who engage in international travel. An employee who travels outside of the United States to engage in a specified activity such as a job transfer or an employment opportunity should consider whether the workers’ compensation insurance policy from his or her former employer provides coverage of the same worldwide extent that the policy covers when he or she is present in the United States. Some companies specify worldwide coverage in their worker’s compensation insurance policies because the foreign country does not have a law that specifically addresses the issue of worldwide coverage.

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