WHO – The Organization For The Cooperation of Public Health Education and Research

WHO is an agency created by the United Nations. The World Health Organization is an intergovernmental organization responsible for global public health. The WHO Constitution clearly states its purpose as “the achievement by all peoples of the greatest level of medical care”. The mission of the WHO is also expressed in the compact world health strategy of member countries of the WHO “for the purpose, through the WHO, of promoting health awareness, research and policy recommendations affecting the quality of the environment and the services offered and ensuring the protection of human health”. With this in mind, one might be wondering how one should go about getting involved with the WHO and what is the process of becoming a part of it.

There are two ways to get involved with WHO. One is by becoming a member of the WHO. By doing this one is not only making a contribution to the betterment of global health but also has a say on issues which affect global health and the welfare of people all over the world. However, there is a process by which one becomes a member of the WHO. In fact, there are several organizations and institutions that help in the process of becoming a member of the WHO.

To become a member of WHO one can either join it by membership or by becoming an associate member. Being an associate member is not as prestigious as being a full member. The associates are allowed to participate in its various activities but are not entitled to have their opinions actively taken into consideration by the WHO Executive. In addition, the associate members are not entitled to vote at meetings or conferences or to have their manuscripts published if they are authors of books or articles submitted to the journal of the WHO.

Being a full member entails having completed a degree in health science or any other related field and being a member of the board of directors of any governing body that directly or indirectly influences WHO. One is also required to have a certain number of years of experience in global health problems and solutions. There is also a set of quality benchmarks which need to be met for an organization to be considered worthy of membership. Other than these requirements, there is no other strict condition on becoming a WHO member. The organization however requires that the candidate satisfy the eligibility criteria for eligibility and that they have a well written profile that adequately discloses their contributions towards the betterment of WHO’s work in the world.

There are three organizations in WHO which are classified according to their areas of responsibility. They are the World Health Organization (WHO) is a United Nations Organization known for the betterment of health worldwide by developing preventive measures, maintaining reliable data and disseminating this information. WHO is also known as the Pan-global Health Information Center.

The World Health Organization also addresses prevention and treatment of disease with the help of vaccines and medical assistance. They also provide assistance to developing countries in providing adequate healthcare, food aid, infrastructure development and education on diseases like AIDS and diabetes. The second organization known as the Global Health Institutes is a division of the WHO. They deal with global health challenges and issues like nutrition, drug discovery, population management, public health insurance, immunology, maternal and child health, occupational health and related issues. Last but not the least is WHO Europe.

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