WHO – A Tool For Global Health


WHO – A Tool For Global Health

WHO, the World Health Organization is an agency of the United Nations dedicated to global public health. Its primary purpose is to coordinate national efforts in providing services and research to fight diseases and improve health conditions around the world. The WHO Constitution clearly states its goal as “the achievement by all peoples of the greatest level of medical care”. In order to meet this mission, WHO seeks to strengthen the ties between member countries through effective cooperation, and by promoting cross-governmental partnerships at both the national and regional levels.

WHO also works on global prevention of diseases like AIDS and cancer. The organization also addresses maternal and child health, promoting family planning, and children’s immunization. The major aim of WHO is to protect the world population from the adverse effects of diseases like AIDS and cancer. The diseases that WHO is best known for are AIDS, cervical cancer, Poloniella, shingles, V Alzheimers, rabies, measles, hepatitis, and malaria.

WHO maintains a list of registered doctors. This list is called the International Registry of Health Care Specialist Writers (IRHS), which welcomes people with expert knowledge of diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, mental disorders, trauma, food hygiene, and immunology. As part of its research work, the IRHS publishes a monthly magazine. The journal is peer-reviewed and it is available to all interested persons. It contains research abstracts of research studies on selected topics related to the field of public health.

WHO continues to monitor and regulate the production of vaccines and other drugs that are used to prevent and treat diseases. It is also concerned with the control of environmental pollutants that contribute to health problems. WHO is part of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The main functions of WHO are to coordinate global communication concerning health and diseases, to provide technical co-ordination and consultative activities on matters of public concern, and to develop national programmes on the prevention and control of diseases that affect man.

The World Health Organization does not directly deal with patients; it addresses the public and organizations in the field of health. WHO has the mandate to coordinate global policies related to the protection of the world population from epidemics and other transmissible diseases. WHO also takes preventive measures, advices and disseminates information on matters that contribute to the control or prevention of disease. The various functions of WHO are discussed and explained in detail in the WHO website; you can also find out more about the organization, its mission and its policy in the various web pages that answer FAQs about WHO.

WHO’s role is crucial in maintaining global peace and stability. Emergencies happen in places where food supplies are limited or destroyed; biological weapons or other types of weapons are dispersed; or natural disasters destroy entire communities. In such circumstances, the global coordination effort and the advice of WHO would be of great help. Many people have lost their lives because of epidemics or natural disasters. If it were not for WHO, many more people could be affected or killed.

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